Exercise: Integers and floats Exercise: Integers and floats#

We want to create a variable named mass that will contain the mass of a person in kg. This person has a mass of 68 kg. Since this is a physical value, it should be a float, hence the decimal point:

mass = 68.0

How would you create the following variables?

  • hip_height: The height of the hip in standing position, which is 1 m.

  • i_trial: The trial number where someone reached the highest isometric contraction, which is 3.

  • n_trials: The total number of trials someone tried to reach the highest isometric contraction, which is 4.

  • emg_max: The EMG value measured during a maximal isometric contraction, which is 34 μV.

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hip_height = 1.0
i_trial = 3
n_trials = 4
emg_max = 34.0